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PSYREN 124 Spoilers

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PSYREN 124 Spoilers Empty PSYREN 124 Spoilers

Mensaje por dark775 Vie Jun 25, 2010 4:58 pm


CALL,124 ”天樹”
Call 124 : Tenju (It may mean tree of the sky, or Tenju in Elmore Wood crowd's surname "Tenjuin" - same kanji)

The memories that linger are....
The snowy, innocent days with the children.....

Always.... searching for a future. For the ones we (she?) loved.

エルモア『避難コロニー建設計画はどうなっとる!? ええい 大臣にはワシから直接話す!!』
Elmore's flashback...
Elmore: What happened to the Shelter colony plan!? Move - I'll talk to the Minister myself!!

エルモア『ああ こんな日々が いつまでも続くとええのになぁ』
That snowy day....
Elmore : Aah, I wish days like this will carry on forever...

アゲハ『オイ 嘘だろ!! 姉キたちが連れて行かれたって・・・!?』
ハルヒコ『あっという間に四、五十人の姿が消えた・・・!! 正確な人数はつかめてねぇがイアンとフブキ達が中にいた・・・ すまねぇ夜科さん 何もできなかった・・・!!』
チチ『あなたが謝ることじゃない 奪われたなら取り返す ・・・そうですね? アゲハ』
At the pathway....
Ageha : Oi! Tell me it's just a bad joke!! Sister got taken away....!?
Haruhiko : Just in a flash forty.... fifty people disappeared...!! I can't put a exact figure but I saw Ian Fubuki and Marco..... I'm sorry Yoshina san..... There was nothing I could do...!!
Dad : There's nothing you need to apologize for... If something takes something away from us, we just take them back.... right! Ageha!

アゲハ『ああ 必ず助ける』
カイル『みんな・・・! バアちゃんの所へ集まってくれ 頼む!バァちゃんが・・・』
Ageha : Of course, we'll save them!
Kyle : Everyone...! Go to Granny's place now.... Please! Granny she...

シャオ(僕のせいだ・・・!! あの時ヤツの脳も四肢も潰すぐらいしておけば・・・ マリーもおばあ様もこんなことには・・・)
Everyone at Elmore's bedside...
Residents : Elmore sama....
Van : ....I can make her cells recover anymore..... All I can do is to ease some pain....
Shao : (It's all my fault...!! If I crushed his brain and break every single piece of limb he had... Marie amd Granny won't....)

フレ『どうして・・・ おばあさま・・・』
エルモア『泣くんじゃないよ フレデリカ もう近々この日が来ると分かっとったじゃろ ・・・ほんの数日早まっただけじゃよ ほれ 笑え』
Fu : Why... does Granny has to.....
Elmore : Don't cry Federica, I knew it has to come... Just a few days earlier than thought - Hoy, smile!

エルモア『ヴァン・・・フレデリカ・・・シャオ・・・カイル・・・ ずっとワシを信じてついてきてくれてありがとう・・・ ワシのせいで・・・お前達には本当に過酷で数奇な運命を背負わせたと思う・・・』
カイル『そんなことねぇよ・・・! 楽しかったよ!!』
Elmore : Van.... Federica.... Shao... Kyle.... Thank you for having faith in me.... It's my fault.... to betroth this brutal destiny and life of mission to you...
Kyle : Nothing of that sort...! I enjoyed every day of my life!!
Shao : It's because of Granny that... We have a good life.......!!

エルモア『こんな世界で・・・ワシと一緒に生きてくれてありがとう・・・ マリーを頼むよ・・・』
エルモア『・・・最後にお前達に伝えておかねばならんことがある・・・ わしが予知で見たマリーノ未来の他に一つ・・・ あの”灯”のことを・・・』
Elmore : Thank you for.... living in this ruined world with me...... I'll trust you all on Marie.....
Amamiya : Elmore....!
Elmore : ..... There's something I must convery to you all before I go..... What I saw on Marie's future and..... That "lamp"....

エルモア『闇に浮かぶ無数の邪悪な”灯”・・・! 禍禍しい意思を感じた・・・・・・!! 中に誰かがおる・・・ あの”灯”を・・・ 消さなければ・・・・・・大・・・変なこ・・・とに・・・・・・』
Elmore : There's a lamp floating at the vast darkness.....! I can feel his evilness......!! Someone is inside there.... If that "lamplight" isn't destroyed.... There will be..... disaster.......

エルモア『・・・・・・・・・ ・・・はぁ・・・疲れ・・・た・・・』
Elmore : ........................... Hah.... I'm .... tired...
Van : Granny!!
Fe : Granny!
Kyle : Granny!!
(Note : Because the three of them uses different world to call their Granny - Oba-sama Baba-sama and Baa-chan)

エルモア(ーーー・・・心残りはある 無念もある だが託してゆける この子達だからこそ 信じてもう逝ける 大丈夫だよマリー この子達は必ずお前のもとに行くからね)
Elmore's eyes getting cloudy...
Elmore: (There's just one regret... But I believe in them. These are the children I raised - I can trust them to do what they need to! You'll be alright Marie..... I knew they'll save you!)

エルモア(ーーーありがとう 天樹の種が・・・ 希望の大樹となって・・・ 花を・・・・・・ 咲かせる・・・・・・・・・)
Children sending her.....
Elmore : (...... Thank you, the seeds of sky tree (Tenju)...... Will become a huge tree of hope.... and flowers.... bloom on it.....)

Kyle : Van, Fu : Granny!!

311 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2010/06 /23(水) 16:46:19 ID:AqMG6pRe0

フレ『ババ様根は危険だからしばらくここにいてね マリーを連れてすぐ戻ってくるわ』
At the room at top of building....
Fu : Granny says it'll be dangerous at the Root so do stay here - We'll be back with Marie!
Shao : Let's go.
Fu : Yes!

クサカベ『せや 太陽光に汚染されたら夜だろうとその地帯には入れへん だが奴らも何か策を講じてくるはずや ぼちぼちあの根から離れた方が懸命やろうな』
Kusakabe explaining, sitting on the soft...
Ageha : The sunlight weakness and Neuro control Tower.....
Kusakabe : Once the place is polluted by the sun, there's no way they enter the area even at night. But I'm sure those people will come up with some other strategy,,,, It's prudent to leave the place!

ラン『引き続き 残りの住民の転送を進めよう こういう時の為に探しておいた米軍のシェルターがある 規模は根にはかなわんが公式記録にもないシェルターだ・・・ 安全だろう』
Lan : Continuing the plan - We'll continue transporting the rest of resident we have here. We've located an American Base Shelter - The scale is not as big as the Root but it's a secret shelter not on official records..... It should be safe!
Amamiya : And.... how did Asaga-kun and all manage to get hold of that tower...
Hiryuu : It's all in Kusakabe san's plan!

クサカベ『塔に入り込んで神経制御システムをハックした それが俺のPSIや 俺はこの能力がバレへんように上手く使ってW・I・S・Eのエンジニアとして雇われとったんや』

クサカベ『俺は機械と思念体のように対話できる 旧時代のプログラムだろうがイルミナ動力の生体コンピューターだろうがな』
Kusakabe : I sneaked into one of those and hacked the system.... That was my Psi - I got a engineering task from WISE without letting them know of my ability...
Kusakabe : I can converse with machines like a creature.... Be them a older-era programme and life computers powered by Illumina....

クサカベ『俺達は神経制御プログラムをいじってあの空の膜の維持を不安定にさせたんや 薄い部分厚い部分・・・まだらみたいにな もし膜が紙みたいに脆くなれば地上から俺達の力で破壊できるかもしれんと考えたわけや』
Kusakabe : We tweaked the Neuro control programme so that the membrane in the sky will become unstable, with thick and thin areas.... if there are areas where membrane become paper-like fragile, to a point we can destoy it from the ground, we'll just focus our powers there!

クサカベ『・・・とそこでアンタ達が包囲されとるっつー通信を傍受した 地上には俺の元お仲間がウジャウジャ・・・タツオと朝河が助けに行くってきかんしな ちょっと効果を試させてもろうたわけや』
タツオ『テストは大成功 これなら本番もいけますね』
Kusakabe : ..... And then receive info that you all have been ambushed. There was some of my old Nekamas there but.... Tatsuo and Asaga says they must come! So I come to test our plans here!
Tatsuo L The test is very successful - If this can be replicated the real attack will be the same too!
Ageha : Real attack?

ヒリョー『奴らの首都アストラルナーヴァ・・・・・・・・・ 東京の頂上に大穴をあけるんだ』
シャオ『できるんですか そんな事が・・・!!』
フレ『いい計画じゃない 協力は惜しまないわ』
Hiryuu : Their capital, Astra Nova......... We'll give them a huge hole in Tokyo sky!
Shao : So there's this method...!!
Fu : Sound like a nice plan - I'll give all help I can!

クサカベ『だが問題があるんや・・・ 俺は関東の端の塔に潜入し もう一度首都頂上のコントロールを奪わなきゃならんのだが それには膨大なエネルギーが必用なんや・・・その供給源が全く見当たらん・・・』
ハルヒコ『よっしゃよっしゃ また俺の出番みてえだな』
クサカベ『ホ!!ホホ!!人間発電機かいな!!この時代国宝級やで アンタの力!!』
Kusakabe : I've a problem though..... The Tower I invaded is in Kantou area, and I have to invade the Capital-controlling Tower..... but that takes huge gush a energy..... I have no source of it yet....
Haruhiko : Great! You'll have my help here!
Kusakabe : Hoh - hohoho!! You're truly a human electricity generator!! Your power - it's a first class treasure at the present world now!!

クサカベ『決まりやな・・・!俺達が空に大穴を開ける その隙にアンタ達が首都に潜入する お互い上手くやろうや』
アゲハ『ああ 俺も行く』
Kusakabe : It's fixed now...! We'll open up the sky there - and you all invade the capital! Let's hope everyone's side goes smoothly!
Kyle : ....Ageha!
Ageha : Ya - I'm going!

クサカベ『俺の知る限りつかまった人間はすぐどうこうされるワケやない・・・ 処置が決まるまで時間がかけられる 計画は明日の正午 陽の当たる時間や』
Kusakabe : To my best knowledge, they won't destroy the humans immediately after they being them to capital..... They need time to deicde what to do with them.... We'll execute the plan tomorrow noon - the timing where sun is the brightest!
Kyle : ....Good!
Shao : Yes let's prepare...!! (We'll save you, Marie...!!)

Amamiya : What happened Yoshina?
Ageha : I've some matters...

チチ『・・・聞きましたよ 乗り込むんですね ・・・首都に』
Asuka looking at the ceiling with huge holes....
Ageha : Dad!!!
Dad : ..... I heard you all... Invading their base... at the capital.
Ageha : So you know what I'll ask right?

アゲハ『親父がやったアレ・・・!! あの限界を超える力を 俺に教えてくれ!』
Ageha : What you did just now....!! The power beyond your limits.... Teach me that!
To save....
The thing to sought after is, power!!


PSYREN 124 Spoilers 2q37p6u
PSYREN 124 Spoilers 2aj1jfc
PSYREN 124 Spoilers 300xh76
PSYREN 124 Spoilers F9kztz

Mensajes : 55
Fecha de inscripción : 01/05/2010
Localización : Roma

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